Yardstick Coffee – Branding

Yardstick Coffee - Branding

Yardstick is an institution in the world of coffee, aspiring to increase the knowledge and spread of specialty coffee in the Philippines. This inspired the logo, which resembles the national flag of the Philippines, rotated. Rather than having a corporate color, the team at Yardstick devised a ‘corporate’ palette giving them the freedom to mix and match, infusing a sense of playfulness mingled with the seriousness of the craft of coffeemaking.

The project embodies three parts: a cafe, a coffee roastery and a coffee lab. We embraced the use of colours selectively, almost clinically, to recreate a playful workshop, in keeping with the philosophy of invoking fun. Key touch points in the space are accented by a playful use of colours. Finally, the use of diffused lights help to eliminate shadows thereby creating an even canvas to communicate a clean and honest space.

For more information visit http://www.acre.sg/

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