Free download: Flat but not flat rounded social icons

thumbFlat design is all the rage, and trend-conscious clients are beginning to ask for redesigns to meet the current fad for all things flat.

Most commentators agree that ultimately, flat design will soften into something flatter than skeuomorphism, but less extreme than that which the current crop of flat-evangelists propose. One of the simplest ways to revamp the look of a site, without a full redesign, is to change the icons you’re using.

So we’re delighted to be able to bring you this set of free almost-flat social icons designed by Sylvain Guizard of Designed to embrace flat design without surrendering to it completely, the set is a great way to iron out your current design.

There are 90 different services represented, optimized to 15 different sizes. Each icon has a subtle gradient and border, lifting it off the page, without losing the underlying flat aesthetic.

The services represented are: 500px (2 versions); About Me; Amazon; Apple; Appstore; Baïdu; Basecamp; Bebo; Behance; Bing; Blogger; Buffer (2 versions); Chime In; Delicious; DesignFloat; DeviantART; Digg (2 versions + 2 alternate versions); Dribbble; Drupal; Etsy; Evernote; Facebook (+ Like on FB); Flickr; Forrst; Foursquare; Gdgt; Github; Google+; GrooveShark; Hi-5; Hyves; iCloud (2 versions);; Instagram; Kik; Last FM; Linkedin; Metacafe; Mister Wong; MSN; Myspace (2 versions); Netvibes; Newsvine; Path; PayPal; Photobucket; Picasa; Pinterest; Pixelapse; Qik; Quora; Reddit; Skype; SlashDot; SoundCloud; Spotify; StackOverFlow; Steam; StumbleUpon; Technorati; Tumblr; Twitter; Viadeo; Vimeo; Vine; Weibo; WordPress; Xing; Yahoo; Yelp; Youtube (2 versions); Zerply;  and Zynga. As well as some tools: Heart; Favorite; Mail (2 versions); RSS; and Share (2 versions).

The files are provided as a .png and .psd, with named layers for all vectors in the PSD. The icons are free for personal and commercial use.

Free download: Flat but not flat rounded social icons

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Free download: Flat but not flat rounded social icons



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