Deal of the week: The ultimate guide to UI design

thumbnailThe web is full of advice on different aspects of UI design, but what no one ever seems to offer is a complete start to finish, blank page to finished app, step by step guide.

Until now of course, because our sister-site,, has set up a sensational 54% discount on Sacha Greif’s ‘Step by Step UI Design’ eBook.

If you’ve ever found yourself starring at a blank screen whilst your deadline ticks closer; or if you’ve ever finished a project only to find that something, that you can’t quite put your finger on, is fundamentally wrong; then this book is for you.

Greif has worked with startups including Hipmunk, Codecademy and Intercom; in this eBook he’ll talk you through every step, the successes and mistakes, taken when building his forthcoming open source chat application, Kandan.

It was very insightful to get a behind-the-scenes look at a designer’s process. — Hiten Shah, Founder, CrazyEgg & Kissmetric

The eBook also contains Greif’s 11 design principals, developed through years of hands-on experience; follow them closely and your user interface design will reach new heights.

Sacha has always done great work for us, and insight into his thinking is invaluable — Steve Huffman, Co-founder, Reddit & Hipmunk

When you download the eBook, you’ll also get a fully layered PSD so you can follow along with Greif’s directions and see the case study come together.

Still not sure? Head over to and read through a sample chapter, we’re confident you’ll benefit from the tips.

The normal price for the invaluable insight into a renowned designer’s working process is $12.99, but for a limited time you can download it instantly for just $5.97.


Have you read Sacha Greif’s Step by Step UI Design eBook? What’s the most valuable lesson you learnt? Let us know in the comments.

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Deal of the week: The ultimate guide to UI design



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