Beautiful Geometric Modernist Illustrations by Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Geometric Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Following our series of illustrations with retro, modernist and geometric style we bring to you 2 projects from Matthew Lyons: Locations and Sections of the guide. We featured Matthew before but it’s always inspiring seeing his work.


Some people maybe have nine scoundrel pals, but some people have twenty nine scoundrel to talk about weather and what they do on weekend. Takes Dorothy nine day to get past smeg small talk and be your friend. Cassandra can do it in two day, but she has loads of hobby like soggy swimming and train the dog, so probably have something in common to turn you from scoundrel to pal. Maybe when grow up we consider log as friend, or never care like it’s scoundrel. There are people who need log and people who need fog, maybe depends what location humanoid grows in.


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons


Poised I’m ready to wield my flailing limbs. There is only one place I could be. In the disco and humans want to have a pop with other humanoids. Cramp crusty dance floor it’s clammy, only a thimble full of room to flail. In the olden days they had room to spread engineered eagle eyed choreographed joint bending to the stretching. Sensual shuffling is our best. Tucked away too long on a cluttered cramped world wide web our ideas all the same. Just met Ethel and she supplies streamlined silky small talk questions. I answer them and explain the corner of the web which I’m tucked in, it’s saying nothing to you, I wish it did say something to everyone.

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

Beautiful Modernist Illustrations of Matthew Lyons

For more information about Matthew Lyons, visit his website at

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