Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

These seem to have come straight out of a sci-fi movie. These are some alien-looking animals that photographer Daniel Stoupin captured through microscope observation.

These creatures are so weird to us that we would never expect that such tiny animals would look this different. Some even look like meteors in outer space. For more of Daniel’s amazing work, you may visit his portfolio at Behance, and there you may even check a video of these little guys in motion. I hope you enjoy these. Cheers! 😉

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

A water flea with offspring

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

A ceriodaphnia with internal parts visible.

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Alien-looking water flea

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Cyclops, a freshwater copepod visible in polarized light. Size of the crustacean is about 0.5 mm.

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin


Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

The eye of a water flea (Polyphemus pediculus).

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Another water flea, the body is surrounded with shell.

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Head of a mosquito larva (Culex sp.) in polarized light. The bright white bands in the head are muscles that move the mouth parts.

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Another alien-looking water flea

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Baby water fleas

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

A whole mosquito larva (Culex sp.) visible in polarized light. The size of the insect is about 1 cm.

Astonishing Photographs of Weird Creatures by Daniel Stoupin

Water flea with a brood pouch

About the author

Hello, everyone! I’m Paulo Gabriel, designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil, born in 1984. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you… and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

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