Thomas Moeller is a creative director and designer from London, United Kingdom. Thomas has more than 12 years of experience across US, UK, Europe and other international markets. He has done work for big clients such as Microsoft, Canon, Rolls Royce and many more. His work brings a lot of the print design concepts back to the web, with clean design and big typography.
In this post we will feature a bit of web design inspiration from Thomas Moeller’s work. We will feature 3 projects he did for Rolls Royce, Canon and Barclaycard.
Rolls Royce – Annual Report
Designs created for Rolls Royce for their digital Annual Report.
Canon EOS-M – Campaign Microsite
Another digital advertising campaign microsite concept for Canon – high level idea, exploring different methods of featuring the camera’s capabilities.
Barclaycard – Pulse
Some conceptual design done for Barclaycard on a prospective publishing platform for customers highlighting the benefits of membership.
For more information about Thomas Moeller, visit his website at http://www.thomasmoeller.com/